Mmorpg's have tried for years to provide world raids in game and because of servers limitations as well as graphic cards not being able to handle it most have realized that it is not possible to have 900+ players on a single spot. But Tera Online has this issue with the world raid called Nexus. Players spend a Nexus raid lagging trying to clear portals so they can get their Agnitor reputation and gold.
To many players seeing how laggy Nexus is ends up being a major turn off. But there are some things you can do to increase your FPS and be able to at least stay connected for it which allows you to at least get into the raid Nexus Traverse which is the very first raid. And today I'll explain how to go about doing this so your Nexus this weekend will be a little better.
One of the first things you can do if your in the massive group of players you can either turn away and face outside of the group this will reduce your lag because you won't be looking into the mass of players an effects. I usually bring badges and sit on the edge of the nexus portal because I lag too much to move and its hard to fill the raid group while staying alive otherwise. If your trying to be in the center of the raid you can zoom into your character which will reduce lag some as well and improve FPS. But one of the issue's with being in the center of the pile is if the boss decides to sit on your face you can get one shot and then it makes it hard for your team to bring you back up till after the portal is dead. Another way is by turning off combat logs which you can see how to do that below by hitting ALT and clicking the combat chat tag then clicking the gear in the left corner and editing the chat options for that window and un-checking all the combat logs.
Something else that can be done to help increase your FPS is also turning off the titles and hp bars of players around you. To do this you would go to the game options I've provided a screenshot of the settings so you can see which I turned off. You can also turn off NPC's as well temporarily if you want but that's up to you.
The last way you can improve frame rate is decreasing the effects as well as the distance. Effects cannot be turned completely off unfortunately and I have suggested that to the developers but not sure if they will in the future give a way to remove all effects. The distance improves how far you see ahead of you this can be useful in PvP like battleground's so that you have less lag if your video isn't that good but it can improve frame rate during Nexus as well.
That's about all you can do other then having a good amount of ram and a decent computer with video card. Hopefully we will see more improvements made after the server merge coming up and hopefully they will improve server quality and take more measures to make Nexus function better but for now these steps above will improve your experience. Otherwise have a great weekend in Tera Online and I hope you get awesome loot!
Tera Nexus Times
The current nexus times are:
Saturday, Sunday—2 a.m., noon, 7 p.m. pst
Saturday, Sunday—2 a.m., noon, 7 p.m. pst
Monday, Friday—noon, 7 p.m. pst
Tuesday, Thursday—6 p.m. pst
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Tera Online Chat Commands
Like other games Tera Online has a list of Commands which you can use for various emotions as well as other features in the game too. So today I'll go over the different commands and what they do.
Tera Online Emote /commands:
Wave makes your character wave at others.
Usage: /wave
Aliases: /hi or /hello
Bow makes your character bow at others.
Usage: /bow
Aliases: None
Happy makes your character show how happy you are.
Usage: /happy
Aliases: /laugh or /lol
Sad shows others that your sad.
Usage: /sad
Aliases: /cry or /sob
Win shows others your cheer for winning.
Usage: /win
Aliases: /victory or /cheer
Dance shows others your dance.
Usage: /dance
Aliases: None
Taunt so you can taunt your enemies.
Usage: /taunt
Aliases: /bringit or /comeon
Clap give a round of applause.
Usage: /clap
Aliases: /applaud
Beg to beg your enemies for mercy.
Usage: /beg
Aliases: /plead
Think makes others see your thinking about something.
Usage: /think
Aliases: /ponder
Love shows affection to others.
Usage: /love
Aliases: None
Charge tells everyone to charge at the enemies.
Usage: /charge
Aliases: /attack
Point at something in game.
Usage: /point
Aliases: /there
Shy show everyone your shy side.
Usage: /shy
Aliases: /blush
Mad you mad bro?
Usage: /mad
Aliases: /angry or /anger
Tera Online Party /commands:
Invite other players to party.
Usage: /invite
Aliases: /inv
Drop from a party.
Usage: /drop
Aliases: None
Kick a member from a party.
Usage: /kick
Aliases: /uninvite
Disband a party.
Usage: /disband
Aliases: None
Leader change the leader of the party.
Usage: /leader
Aliases: None
Tera Online alternative ways to bring windows up / commands:
Friendlist another way to pull up the friendlist
Usage: /friendlist
Aliases: /social
Friend make someone your friend.
Usage: /friend
Aliases: /fr
Trade make a trade with someone.
Usage: /trade
Aliases: /tr
Inspect look at someones gear.
Usage: /inspect
Aliases: None
Duel with another player.
Usage: /duel
Aliases: /challenge
Uncle give up a duel.
Usage: /uncle
Aliases: /yield
Location links current location for a friend to see.
Usage: /location
Aliases: /whereami
Tera Online Guild /commands:
Gquit so you can quit a guild.
Usage: /gquit
Aliases: /guildquit
Gkick kick another player from a guild.
Usage: /gkick
Aliases: /guildkick
Gmaster change the guild leader.
Usage: /gmaster
Aliases: /guildmaster
Apply so you can apply to a guild.
Usage: /apply <guildleaders name> <message>
Aliases: None
Gdisband so you can disband a created guild.
Usage: /gdisband
Aliases: /guilddisband
Ginfo to pull up the guild info.
Usage: /ginfo
Aliases: /guildinfo
Glist to pull up the list of members.
Usage: /glist
Aliases: /guildlist
Ginvite to invite someone to a guild.
Usage: /ginvite
Aliases: /guildinvite
Gcreate to create a guild.
Usage: /gcreate
Aliases: /guildcreate
Surrender to give up a guild vs guild battle.
Usage: /surrender
Aliases: /whiteflag
Gvg to invite another guild to a gvg battle.
Usage: /gvg
Aliases: /battleinvite
Tera Online show available /commands:
Help pulls up the available commands in the chat window.
Usage: /help
Aliases: /h or /?
window commands
/? chat
/? party
/? LFG
/? emote
/? deathmatch
Tera Online Deathmatch /commands:
DMjoin to join a death match.
Usage: /dmjoin
Aliases: None
DMinvite to invite someone to join a deathmatch.
Usage: /dminvite
Aliases: None
Goal show score of a death match.
Usage: /goal
Aliases: None
Tera Online LFG /commands:
LFGstop to stop looking for a group.
Usage: /lfgstop
Aliases: /lfgend
LFG to look for a group.
Usage: /lfg
Aliases: None
Tera Online Vanarch /commands:
Usage: /loan
Aliases: /propose
Usage: /borrow
Aliases: None
Usage: /ledger
Aliases: /loanlist
Arrest to arrest another player and put them in jail.
Usage: /arrest
Aliases: None
Release to release someone in jail.
Usage: /release
Aliases: None
Tera Online Channel /commands:
Make a channel.
Usage: /make
Aliases: /makechannel or /makechat
Join a channel.
Usage: /join
Aliases: /joinchannel or /joinchat
Leave a channel.
Usage: /leave
Aliases: /leavechat
Chatlist pull up the channel chat list.
Usage: /chatlist
Aliases: /channellist
Chatwho check who's chating in a channel.
Usage: /chatwho
Aliases: /channelwho
Password put a password on a channel.
Usage: /password
Aliases: /chatpassword
Chatkick kick someone from a channel.
Usage: /chatkick
Aliases: /ban
Tera Online Other /commands:
Usage: /played
Aliases: None
Follow to follow the party leader.
Usage: /follow
Aliases: /f
I might be missing some so I'll update this if I forgot something in the future or if something new gets added into game which creates a new /command in Tera Online.
Tera Online Emote /commands:
Wave makes your character wave at others.
Usage: /wave
Aliases: /hi or /hello
Bow makes your character bow at others.
Usage: /bow
Aliases: None
Happy makes your character show how happy you are.
Usage: /happy
Aliases: /laugh or /lol
Sad shows others that your sad.
Usage: /sad
Aliases: /cry or /sob
Win shows others your cheer for winning.
Usage: /win
Aliases: /victory or /cheer
Dance shows others your dance.
Usage: /dance
Aliases: None
Taunt so you can taunt your enemies.
Usage: /taunt
Aliases: /bringit or /comeon
Clap give a round of applause.
Usage: /clap
Aliases: /applaud
Beg to beg your enemies for mercy.
Usage: /beg
Aliases: /plead
Think makes others see your thinking about something.
Usage: /think
Aliases: /ponder
Love shows affection to others.
Usage: /love
Aliases: None
Charge tells everyone to charge at the enemies.
Usage: /charge
Aliases: /attack
Point at something in game.
Usage: /point
Aliases: /there
Shy show everyone your shy side.
Usage: /shy
Aliases: /blush
Mad you mad bro?
Usage: /mad
Aliases: /angry or /anger
Tera Online Party /commands:
Invite other players to party.
Usage: /invite
Aliases: /inv
Drop from a party.
Usage: /drop
Aliases: None
Kick a member from a party.
Usage: /kick
Aliases: /uninvite
Disband a party.
Usage: /disband
Aliases: None
Leader change the leader of the party.
Usage: /leader
Aliases: None
Tera Online alternative ways to bring windows up / commands:
Friendlist another way to pull up the friendlist
Usage: /friendlist
Aliases: /social
Friend make someone your friend.
Usage: /friend
Aliases: /fr
Trade make a trade with someone.
Usage: /trade
Aliases: /tr
Inspect look at someones gear.
Usage: /inspect
Aliases: None
Duel with another player.
Usage: /duel
Aliases: /challenge
Uncle give up a duel.
Usage: /uncle
Aliases: /yield
Location links current location for a friend to see.
Usage: /location
Aliases: /whereami
Tera Online Guild /commands:
Gquit so you can quit a guild.
Usage: /gquit
Aliases: /guildquit
Gkick kick another player from a guild.
Usage: /gkick
Aliases: /guildkick
Gmaster change the guild leader.
Usage: /gmaster
Aliases: /guildmaster
Apply so you can apply to a guild.
Usage: /apply <guildleaders name> <message>
Aliases: None
Gdisband so you can disband a created guild.
Usage: /gdisband
Aliases: /guilddisband
Ginfo to pull up the guild info.
Usage: /ginfo
Aliases: /guildinfo
Glist to pull up the list of members.
Usage: /glist
Aliases: /guildlist
Ginvite to invite someone to a guild.
Usage: /ginvite
Aliases: /guildinvite
Gcreate to create a guild.
Usage: /gcreate
Aliases: /guildcreate
Surrender to give up a guild vs guild battle.
Usage: /surrender
Aliases: /whiteflag
Gvg to invite another guild to a gvg battle.
Usage: /gvg
Aliases: /battleinvite
Tera Online show available /commands:
Help pulls up the available commands in the chat window.
Usage: /help
Aliases: /h or /?
window commands
/? chat
/? party
/? LFG
/? emote
/? deathmatch
Tera Online Deathmatch /commands:
DMjoin to join a death match.
Usage: /dmjoin
Aliases: None
DMinvite to invite someone to join a deathmatch.
Usage: /dminvite
Aliases: None
Goal show score of a death match.
Usage: /goal
Aliases: None
Tera Online LFG /commands:
LFGstop to stop looking for a group.
Usage: /lfgstop
Aliases: /lfgend
LFG to look for a group.
Usage: /lfg
Aliases: None
Tera Online Vanarch /commands:
Usage: /loan
Aliases: /propose
Usage: /borrow
Aliases: None
Usage: /ledger
Aliases: /loanlist
Arrest to arrest another player and put them in jail.
Usage: /arrest
Aliases: None
Release to release someone in jail.
Usage: /release
Aliases: None
Tera Online Channel /commands:
Make a channel.
Usage: /make
Aliases: /makechannel or /makechat
Join a channel.
Usage: /join
Aliases: /joinchannel or /joinchat
Leave a channel.
Usage: /leave
Aliases: /leavechat
Chatlist pull up the channel chat list.
Usage: /chatlist
Aliases: /channellist
Chatwho check who's chating in a channel.
Usage: /chatwho
Aliases: /channelwho
Password put a password on a channel.
Usage: /password
Aliases: /chatpassword
Chatkick kick someone from a channel.
Usage: /chatkick
Aliases: /ban
Tera Online Other /commands:
Usage: /played
Aliases: None
Follow to follow the party leader.
Usage: /follow
Aliases: /f
I might be missing some so I'll update this if I forgot something in the future or if something new gets added into game which creates a new /command in Tera Online.
Tera Online Glyph System
If you have ever played World of Warcraft you might be familiar with the term glyph's. But if you haven't glyph's are bonus's that can help improve your skills like for example increasing how much damage a skill does. Glyphs start at around level 21 you'll receive a quest around that level from the main city telling you to go to a certain vendor to get a free one.
The glyph window is under the skills menu which can be pulled up with K if you don't see the glyph tab it is because you have not learned at least one glyph. More glyph's can be bought from the glyph vendor which is normally found standing next to your talent training in main cities only.
Later on in the game more new glyphs can be bought using badges farmed from Temple of Temerity and there are advanced versions of the glyph's which reduce the number of points required for a glyph. You can also use the NPC to reset glyph's if you don't like something you've picked although there are no dual talent spec's as of yet but its always possible it might change in the future.
The glyph system in Tera Online has a lot more options then games like World of Warcraft where if your not using that one magical glyph spec you suck. Tera Online allows you to pick and choose the glyphs that are right for your playing style of course other people cannot look at your glyph's directly but hopefully you'll learn in the future which glyphs work well in which situations since some glyphs can favor pvp situations more then others while some are not as useful in pve.
The glyph window is under the skills menu which can be pulled up with K if you don't see the glyph tab it is because you have not learned at least one glyph. More glyph's can be bought from the glyph vendor which is normally found standing next to your talent training in main cities only.
Later on in the game more new glyphs can be bought using badges farmed from Temple of Temerity and there are advanced versions of the glyph's which reduce the number of points required for a glyph. You can also use the NPC to reset glyph's if you don't like something you've picked although there are no dual talent spec's as of yet but its always possible it might change in the future.
The glyph system in Tera Online has a lot more options then games like World of Warcraft where if your not using that one magical glyph spec you suck. Tera Online allows you to pick and choose the glyphs that are right for your playing style of course other people cannot look at your glyph's directly but hopefully you'll learn in the future which glyphs work well in which situations since some glyphs can favor pvp situations more then others while some are not as useful in pve.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Tera Online Map Interface
So you've just logged into Tera Online and find yourself confused because you see all these random Icon's on your map and have no idea what they are for or what they do. If you can agree with this then I'm sure this guide will be just what your looking for.
So if your looking at the screenshot above with me you'll notice I have the local map up for the location I'm in and you have all these different icon's up on it which might be confusing since you'll see these in every town pretty much. Next to the main map in the right corner you see the transparent smaller map version this is the mini map you'll be using constantly since it always floats over in that part of your game. If you do not see this map hit the N key to show it and it will then reappear it can also be hidden using the same key if you do not like knowing where your going.

If you look above I've provided each one of the icon's that you would most likely find normally and some information about them. But with this I will also explain some more information about each of these especially the vendors so that you'll be more educated in the future for your Tera Online playing.
So lets go over the merchant first this is going to be the first NPC you'll even be sent to in the island of dawn's town. Like most games merchants in Tera Online work like normal they sell items and will also allow you to sell your junk items to them as well. But they include many items which can be bought that hold many uses. For example merchants sell scrolls to towns not just the local town but they sell scrolls to the main towns as well of each area. Not only that but in major cities merchants will sell scrolls to all the smaller towns making moving from place to place very fast in many cases faster then a flight master can take you. Merchants also sell other items like band-aids for healing yourself, Buff pot's for battle, Alkahest for enchanting, Campfires for restoring stamina the slow way,
and enigmatic scrolls for the beginning of your modifying weapons to get a better quality or stronger weapon.
The trade broker has been called many things in different games but most people would know this to be the auction house. It allows you to sell items so other players who need the item can buy it from you. Tera Online's trade broker system is really nice because it will automatically adjust sell value depending on the prices which are already found on the trade broker making it easy for new players to sell items without needing a price guide. The trade broker comes packed with many different ways to view items by lowest prices or cheapest price per unit and quite a few other way's as well.
The banker is one of the most useful NPC's for a new player it allows you to store your items that you want to keep and you can also store your gold the bank is shared between all of your characters making it easy to put gold in for that new alt without having to mail it to yourself or allow you to pull out that item which you got for your alt. The banker also has the mailbox included within the same NPC as well as the guild banker if you happen to be in a guild.
The teleport master is another way of getting around a map quickly especially after you are killed by something or someone. For a small fee the teleport master will port you to the closest camp of a location of a map it makes it easy to move from a town destination into the outside world without having to walk all over the place. The one downside is the cost of teleporting can be controlled by the vanarch who control's the town so prices can vary depending on the tax of that location.
Need to learn new skills? The tactics or magic trainers can be found in smaller cities as well as main ones allowing you to buy new skills every time you hit a new level which has some to learn. Vanarch's can control the smaller cities tactic trainers disable them as well as tax them so prices can always vary outside of the main cities but you can always move to a main city to buy the cheaper non taxed skills.
The flightmaster is a NPC which is found in many mmorpg's besides Tera Online but the function is pretty much the same as most games get from one place to another more quickly. The time from flying from one place to another is much faster then games like WoW which seems to take forever since they are like real time flights. The flightmaster is another NPC which can be taxed outside of main cities so prices will vary.
Besides the normal guild system there are guild quests which help provide the guild and its members with special usable tokens used in either the buying of special potions like experience or damage increase potions or in the leveling and upkeep of the guild. You'll find them in every town and the NPC looks like a bulletin board you always turn them in at a NPC next to the board to get the rewards.
The specialty vendor is one of the very interesting NPC's in Tera Online whether its opened in the town your at or not is determined by the vanarch as well as the taxes for the NPC. This NPC can only be found outside of main cities think of it as a perk for winning vanarch. The NPC sells special versions of crystals for weapons and armor, scrolls to every dungeon in game, better quality bandages, higher quality alkahest for enchanting over +6 and special charms used in front of campfires to increase your damage and defenses. Prices will vary because it is controlled by vanarch's.
Reputation vendors sell different items depending on the vendor not every town will have a reputation for you to get but many of the level 60 area's and certain main cities also have reputation. Doing dailies is the best way to be able to unlock items which is purchasable from these vendors but some monsters can also be killed in the process to farm enough as well.
If you have ADHD like myself and find sitting near a fire and waiting for stamina to recharge to be a pain in the butt then the cleric will be your best friend. The cleric in town will restore stamina for a fee no more waiting for a fire to fill you up be lazy and just buy your stamina. Keep in mind prices vary depending on level but also depend on the taxes set for the area since it is also vanarch controlled. Clerics in recent times can also restore HP and mana as well making them even more useful.
Available Daily quests are pretty straight forward they provide you with a repeatable daily which can either be for reputation or just another quest for money that you can do these normally rotate to different quests keeping things fresh.
During your questing you'll see a question mark in this case a green one is for dailies this is the continuation of a quest usually you'll see a question mark when your following along in a quest like for dailies you'll be required to talk to another NPC which will provide more information about your quest like what to kill ect.
Quests which are completed are shown as the asterisk * in game the green one is for daily quests that are completed and ready to be turned in. A red one shows a story quest which is completed. And a yellow one is for a normal NPC quest.
A yellow exclamation is a quest which you can pick up. Monsters also will show these above their name especially if you have the quest as you can see from this picture.
When a monster is killed it will clearly tell you whether you got credited for the quest in the center of your screen.
Quest that can be turned in will show in the world map making it so that if the quest turn in is in another location you can still find out what map you need to travel to so you can turn the quest in.
This concludes the Map interface in Tera Online hopefully this has been an eye opener and allowed you to learn a bit more about Tera Online while providing some valuable future information on some of the vendors you find in the later parts of the game. Stay tuned for more useful guides on Tera Online in the future!

So if your looking at the screenshot above with me you'll notice I have the local map up for the location I'm in and you have all these different icon's up on it which might be confusing since you'll see these in every town pretty much. Next to the main map in the right corner you see the transparent smaller map version this is the mini map you'll be using constantly since it always floats over in that part of your game. If you do not see this map hit the N key to show it and it will then reappear it can also be hidden using the same key if you do not like knowing where your going.

If you look above I've provided each one of the icon's that you would most likely find normally and some information about them. But with this I will also explain some more information about each of these especially the vendors so that you'll be more educated in the future for your Tera Online playing.
So lets go over the merchant first this is going to be the first NPC you'll even be sent to in the island of dawn's town. Like most games merchants in Tera Online work like normal they sell items and will also allow you to sell your junk items to them as well. But they include many items which can be bought that hold many uses. For example merchants sell scrolls to towns not just the local town but they sell scrolls to the main towns as well of each area. Not only that but in major cities merchants will sell scrolls to all the smaller towns making moving from place to place very fast in many cases faster then a flight master can take you. Merchants also sell other items like band-aids for healing yourself, Buff pot's for battle, Alkahest for enchanting, Campfires for restoring stamina the slow way,
and enigmatic scrolls for the beginning of your modifying weapons to get a better quality or stronger weapon.
The trade broker has been called many things in different games but most people would know this to be the auction house. It allows you to sell items so other players who need the item can buy it from you. Tera Online's trade broker system is really nice because it will automatically adjust sell value depending on the prices which are already found on the trade broker making it easy for new players to sell items without needing a price guide. The trade broker comes packed with many different ways to view items by lowest prices or cheapest price per unit and quite a few other way's as well.
The banker is one of the most useful NPC's for a new player it allows you to store your items that you want to keep and you can also store your gold the bank is shared between all of your characters making it easy to put gold in for that new alt without having to mail it to yourself or allow you to pull out that item which you got for your alt. The banker also has the mailbox included within the same NPC as well as the guild banker if you happen to be in a guild.
The teleport master is another way of getting around a map quickly especially after you are killed by something or someone. For a small fee the teleport master will port you to the closest camp of a location of a map it makes it easy to move from a town destination into the outside world without having to walk all over the place. The one downside is the cost of teleporting can be controlled by the vanarch who control's the town so prices can vary depending on the tax of that location.
Need to learn new skills? The tactics or magic trainers can be found in smaller cities as well as main ones allowing you to buy new skills every time you hit a new level which has some to learn. Vanarch's can control the smaller cities tactic trainers disable them as well as tax them so prices can always vary outside of the main cities but you can always move to a main city to buy the cheaper non taxed skills.
The flightmaster is a NPC which is found in many mmorpg's besides Tera Online but the function is pretty much the same as most games get from one place to another more quickly. The time from flying from one place to another is much faster then games like WoW which seems to take forever since they are like real time flights. The flightmaster is another NPC which can be taxed outside of main cities so prices will vary.
Besides the normal guild system there are guild quests which help provide the guild and its members with special usable tokens used in either the buying of special potions like experience or damage increase potions or in the leveling and upkeep of the guild. You'll find them in every town and the NPC looks like a bulletin board you always turn them in at a NPC next to the board to get the rewards.
The specialty vendor is one of the very interesting NPC's in Tera Online whether its opened in the town your at or not is determined by the vanarch as well as the taxes for the NPC. This NPC can only be found outside of main cities think of it as a perk for winning vanarch. The NPC sells special versions of crystals for weapons and armor, scrolls to every dungeon in game, better quality bandages, higher quality alkahest for enchanting over +6 and special charms used in front of campfires to increase your damage and defenses. Prices will vary because it is controlled by vanarch's.
Reputation vendors sell different items depending on the vendor not every town will have a reputation for you to get but many of the level 60 area's and certain main cities also have reputation. Doing dailies is the best way to be able to unlock items which is purchasable from these vendors but some monsters can also be killed in the process to farm enough as well.
If you have ADHD like myself and find sitting near a fire and waiting for stamina to recharge to be a pain in the butt then the cleric will be your best friend. The cleric in town will restore stamina for a fee no more waiting for a fire to fill you up be lazy and just buy your stamina. Keep in mind prices vary depending on level but also depend on the taxes set for the area since it is also vanarch controlled. Clerics in recent times can also restore HP and mana as well making them even more useful.
Available Daily quests are pretty straight forward they provide you with a repeatable daily which can either be for reputation or just another quest for money that you can do these normally rotate to different quests keeping things fresh.
During your questing you'll see a question mark in this case a green one is for dailies this is the continuation of a quest usually you'll see a question mark when your following along in a quest like for dailies you'll be required to talk to another NPC which will provide more information about your quest like what to kill ect.
Quests which are completed are shown as the asterisk * in game the green one is for daily quests that are completed and ready to be turned in. A red one shows a story quest which is completed. And a yellow one is for a normal NPC quest.
A yellow exclamation is a quest which you can pick up. Monsters also will show these above their name especially if you have the quest as you can see from this picture.
When a monster is killed it will clearly tell you whether you got credited for the quest in the center of your screen.
Quest that can be turned in will show in the world map making it so that if the quest turn in is in another location you can still find out what map you need to travel to so you can turn the quest in.
This concludes the Map interface in Tera Online hopefully this has been an eye opener and allowed you to learn a bit more about Tera Online while providing some valuable future information on some of the vendors you find in the later parts of the game. Stay tuned for more useful guides on Tera Online in the future!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Tera Online Enchanting and Modeling
Tera Online is an amazing game but part of the problem for a new player is trying to learn all of the crafting and enchanting and learning how to best utilize these features in game. So today I'm going to go over in detail each of the area's of crafting how to use them and then also how to get the most out of them later when you hit 60's. To help us explain this today we have Sishen from Valley of Titan's helping us explain profession's today.

The very first type of enchanting you will run into as a new player is enchanting which allows you to add a 1+ to you gear and continue until you hit the max for an enchant-able weapon which is +9. Below you can see an example of a weapon which is enchant-able and it has been enchanted to +4. You will also pick up an enchanting quest at around level 26 that will help you learn how to enchant but some people skip though it and do not read what it says but this guide will explain it.
As you can see on the side in white text the weapon says Enchant-able meaning it can be enchanted. An enchant-able weapon usually either will say that or you will see stat's in gray that give bonuses when you enchant it to +3 and as you can see it also goes up to +9 max. Next to the attack modifier if you look you'll see a green +42 meaning that it's giving bonus's for being enchanted same goes for the impact modifier. The bonus's increase more with every +1 you add to a weapon making so you do more damage. Under the impact modifier you see other bonus's these are:
Sealing and Unsealing Weapons
Resetting the stats or changing them on a weapon is called sealing and unsealing. You can tell a weapon is sealed just by looking at it weapons over level 50 will always be pre-sealed and you will need to use an identifying scroll to uncover the stats below is an example of that process.

If you look above these are the items required in the unsealing process they can be bought from any of the normal merchants in game. this is the money bag icon on your mini map. If you look at the weapon to the left it says Enigmatic and the stats say they are unidentified this means the weapon is sealed and needs to be identified with the common identification scroll.
After you have used the scroll and the weapon is unsealed it removes the enigmatic name from the weapon and uncovers the stat's bonus's so you can see if you like them or you want to try an change them again. If the stats are not to your liking you can use the common enigmatic scroll to seal the weapon again which resets the stat's again.
If you look to the left this is the window you get when you attempt to seal a weapon again. If you use an item called spellbind it allows you to lock the stat's that you want to keep and reset the ones you don't want. The process of locking some is an expensive one so this would not be a good idea for someone new to try usually if you use a few common scrolls and randomly reset all of the stats you'll get lucky and get something good enough to use. But at level 60 using spellbind is very useful so you can get the most out of you weapon. After you click Enigmatic Reset the weapon will go back to being sealed.
After its sealed it will have a ? in your inventory showing that its enigmatic and the stats are hidden.
Another thing to keep in mind for the future when enchanting a weapon higher then +6 the process gets much more expensive requiring you to use Refined Alkahest and Masterwork Alkahest so as a new player it would be wise not to really go higher then +6 when you are enchanting a weapon. Another helpful tip that can make enchanting easier is using the best quality item will give you the highest chance at successfully enchanting an item.
This above is the enchanting window first your weapon your enchanting goes in first then you put in Alkahest which is bought from merchants and then you need an item of the same tier and type the class of the item does not matter making it a very simple process to enchant. If you fail your item will not upgrade and the Alkahest and the other tier weapon are consumed in the process.
Dyeing Equipment
The process of dyeing equipment is a pretty simple one it requires you to go to the Dye NPC which can be found in Velika and buy dyes or you can make them though items which you find during crafting and buying kits to craft the dyes from the same dye NPC.
After you buy a color you want this one is the spectral green which has different shades of green you can pick one of the colors out of the window and apply it to your armor. It lasts 7 days so you will have to keep reapplying it every 7 days.
Remodeling has changed in recent times now you can use any item level 58 and under as a template to change the look of your armor because many of the armor's did not come with a template. You can still buy more templates from the vendor but the best looking armor usually comes from the crafted recipes.
Above you can see the gloves are a black color and have holes cut out for the thumbs in the gloves so we will remodel using one of the items in our inventory by putting it into the box then applying it.
As you can see after dragging a new item into the box you can see now my gloves look solid dark green. After you click apply that armor will stay remodeled permanently unless you use another NPC to remove the remodel on it again.
Crystal's and You
Crystal's are one of the most important features in the game after you've mastered the enchanting aspect of the game. Crystal's are what keeps your damage really good and keeps you up during fights. The most important crystal's during the end of the game are the boss crystals like the reduction from boss damage and also the crystals which increase base damage or critical damage to bosses. Boss crystals can mean life or death and can keep you from the embarrassment of being the only one dieing during a dungeon group. The weapon crystals for damage can keep you hitting those 100k+ numbers against bosses since all monsters in the dungeon are usually boss monsters. Other crystals can come in handy for other situations such as farming gold you can use normal monster damage reduction and increase damage on normal monsters. And when you get to 58+ you have another element of crystals they can go into accessories too providing even more bonus's to your gear. Most of the green crystals come from reputation of different level 60 area's. For a full list of the crystal types you can refer to Tera Online: Guide to Weapon Upgrading for a list of crystal's that you can find in game. Another tip crystals can be removed from gear simply by clicking them out make sure you do not throw them away when you upgrade gear because they can be a valuable loss. Something else that is commonly forgotten with crystals is they can also break when you are killed by a boss crystal so it is always a good idea to carry some extra's if you happen to die in a dungeon so you can continue fighting without going back to town.
Advance Upgrading (Luxing)
Luxing is a process which allows an item to go from +9 up to +12 which increases the main attributes of the weapon and causes the extra bonus's to give more of a bonus then normal. The process is similar to the using enigmatic scrolls on a weapon only the difference is you have to use master enigmatic scrolls which come from dungeon drops they have a 10 % chance to cause an item to Lux and unlock the +12 of a weapon. This requires a lot of patients it can be easy or it can be really hard if you are unlucky. My armor only took 5 scrolls but I know others who have wasted over 100 scrolls on a weapon.
Above you can see a masterwork chest piece and I provided the master enigmatic scroll so you could see what it looks like in case you manage to get yourself some scrolls you'll know to save them. This process is very expensive and can only be used on items which say do not say they cannot be masterwork's so you will want to avoid doing this on lower level weapons unless you just have the money to burn on doing it.
This concludes enchanting and some of the more advanced features of Tera Online. I hope this shed some light on some of the more advanced features that you might not have understood in game. Stay tuned for more useful guides on Tera Online and good luck raiding!

The very first type of enchanting you will run into as a new player is enchanting which allows you to add a 1+ to you gear and continue until you hit the max for an enchant-able weapon which is +9. Below you can see an example of a weapon which is enchant-able and it has been enchanted to +4. You will also pick up an enchanting quest at around level 26 that will help you learn how to enchant but some people skip though it and do not read what it says but this guide will explain it.
As you can see on the side in white text the weapon says Enchant-able meaning it can be enchanted. An enchant-able weapon usually either will say that or you will see stat's in gray that give bonuses when you enchant it to +3 and as you can see it also goes up to +9 max. Next to the attack modifier if you look you'll see a green +42 meaning that it's giving bonus's for being enchanted same goes for the impact modifier. The bonus's increase more with every +1 you add to a weapon making so you do more damage. Under the impact modifier you see other bonus's these are:
- Do 5.1% more damage when you attack monsters from behind.
- Do 5.3% more damage when you attack prone monsters.
- Do 4.5% more damage when you attack boss monsters.
- Do 5.3% more damage when you attack prone monsters.
- Do 4.5 more damage when you attack boss monsters.
- Increases PvP damage dealt by 4
- Do 4.5% more damage when you attack small monsters.
Sealing and Unsealing Weapons
Resetting the stats or changing them on a weapon is called sealing and unsealing. You can tell a weapon is sealed just by looking at it weapons over level 50 will always be pre-sealed and you will need to use an identifying scroll to uncover the stats below is an example of that process.

If you look above these are the items required in the unsealing process they can be bought from any of the normal merchants in game. this is the money bag icon on your mini map. If you look at the weapon to the left it says Enigmatic and the stats say they are unidentified this means the weapon is sealed and needs to be identified with the common identification scroll.
After you have used the scroll and the weapon is unsealed it removes the enigmatic name from the weapon and uncovers the stat's bonus's so you can see if you like them or you want to try an change them again. If the stats are not to your liking you can use the common enigmatic scroll to seal the weapon again which resets the stat's again.
If you look to the left this is the window you get when you attempt to seal a weapon again. If you use an item called spellbind it allows you to lock the stat's that you want to keep and reset the ones you don't want. The process of locking some is an expensive one so this would not be a good idea for someone new to try usually if you use a few common scrolls and randomly reset all of the stats you'll get lucky and get something good enough to use. But at level 60 using spellbind is very useful so you can get the most out of you weapon. After you click Enigmatic Reset the weapon will go back to being sealed.
After its sealed it will have a ? in your inventory showing that its enigmatic and the stats are hidden.
Another thing to keep in mind for the future when enchanting a weapon higher then +6 the process gets much more expensive requiring you to use Refined Alkahest and Masterwork Alkahest so as a new player it would be wise not to really go higher then +6 when you are enchanting a weapon. Another helpful tip that can make enchanting easier is using the best quality item will give you the highest chance at successfully enchanting an item.
This above is the enchanting window first your weapon your enchanting goes in first then you put in Alkahest which is bought from merchants and then you need an item of the same tier and type the class of the item does not matter making it a very simple process to enchant. If you fail your item will not upgrade and the Alkahest and the other tier weapon are consumed in the process.
Dyeing Equipment
The process of dyeing equipment is a pretty simple one it requires you to go to the Dye NPC which can be found in Velika and buy dyes or you can make them though items which you find during crafting and buying kits to craft the dyes from the same dye NPC.
After you buy a color you want this one is the spectral green which has different shades of green you can pick one of the colors out of the window and apply it to your armor. It lasts 7 days so you will have to keep reapplying it every 7 days.
Remodeling has changed in recent times now you can use any item level 58 and under as a template to change the look of your armor because many of the armor's did not come with a template. You can still buy more templates from the vendor but the best looking armor usually comes from the crafted recipes.
Above you can see the gloves are a black color and have holes cut out for the thumbs in the gloves so we will remodel using one of the items in our inventory by putting it into the box then applying it.
As you can see after dragging a new item into the box you can see now my gloves look solid dark green. After you click apply that armor will stay remodeled permanently unless you use another NPC to remove the remodel on it again.
Crystal's and You
Crystal's are one of the most important features in the game after you've mastered the enchanting aspect of the game. Crystal's are what keeps your damage really good and keeps you up during fights. The most important crystal's during the end of the game are the boss crystals like the reduction from boss damage and also the crystals which increase base damage or critical damage to bosses. Boss crystals can mean life or death and can keep you from the embarrassment of being the only one dieing during a dungeon group. The weapon crystals for damage can keep you hitting those 100k+ numbers against bosses since all monsters in the dungeon are usually boss monsters. Other crystals can come in handy for other situations such as farming gold you can use normal monster damage reduction and increase damage on normal monsters. And when you get to 58+ you have another element of crystals they can go into accessories too providing even more bonus's to your gear. Most of the green crystals come from reputation of different level 60 area's. For a full list of the crystal types you can refer to Tera Online: Guide to Weapon Upgrading for a list of crystal's that you can find in game. Another tip crystals can be removed from gear simply by clicking them out make sure you do not throw them away when you upgrade gear because they can be a valuable loss. Something else that is commonly forgotten with crystals is they can also break when you are killed by a boss crystal so it is always a good idea to carry some extra's if you happen to die in a dungeon so you can continue fighting without going back to town.
Advance Upgrading (Luxing)
Luxing is a process which allows an item to go from +9 up to +12 which increases the main attributes of the weapon and causes the extra bonus's to give more of a bonus then normal. The process is similar to the using enigmatic scrolls on a weapon only the difference is you have to use master enigmatic scrolls which come from dungeon drops they have a 10 % chance to cause an item to Lux and unlock the +12 of a weapon. This requires a lot of patients it can be easy or it can be really hard if you are unlucky. My armor only took 5 scrolls but I know others who have wasted over 100 scrolls on a weapon.
Above you can see a masterwork chest piece and I provided the master enigmatic scroll so you could see what it looks like in case you manage to get yourself some scrolls you'll know to save them. This process is very expensive and can only be used on items which say do not say they cannot be masterwork's so you will want to avoid doing this on lower level weapons unless you just have the money to burn on doing it.
This concludes enchanting and some of the more advanced features of Tera Online. I hope this shed some light on some of the more advanced features that you might not have understood in game. Stay tuned for more useful guides on Tera Online and good luck raiding!
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