
Monday, August 5, 2013

Tera Online Alliance Patch

The Alliance patch brings a whole new type of game-play to Tera Online and while we patiently wait for it I thought I would go ahead and explain some of the great features that we are going to be getting when this wonderful patch is going to release hopefully sometime either this month or next month.

The very first change will be the revamp of the political system in Tera Online I think by now everyone who has been in a vanarch guild at some point within Tera or has voted for a guild. This system has many flaws. One of which is that any level 40 account can vote for who ever so with free to play it made it possible for people with multiple accounts to vote. Buying votes and all sorts of other ways of winning where also used in this system.

The change to the alliance system makes it so there's three cities Kaitor, Velika, and Allementhia and each of these are a different faction. Each faction has a color Velika is red, Allemanthia is green and Kaitor is blue. Each area has a home base of the respected color above and the enemy's will be attacking these bases.

Each map will have repeatable quests that allow you to gather things you will need for new gear, potions of invisibility, nocternium shards.

The shards give the following bonuses:
  • 3~8% damage increased on certain skills for all classes except healers following skills:
Warrior - Combative Strike / Blade draw / Scythe / Rain of Blows / Cascade of Stuns
Lancer - Shield Barrage / Spring Attack / Wallop / Debilitate
Slayer - Overhand Strike / Heart Thrust / Know-down Strike / Measured Slice / Whirlwind
Berserker -- Thunder Strike / Flatten / Cyclone / Vampiric Blow / Evasive Smash
Sorcerer - Fire-blast / Flaming Barrage / Magma Bomb / Void Pulse / Hail Storm
Archer - Rain of Arrows / Explosion Trap / Penetrating Arrow / Radiant Arrow / Arrow Volley

  • 3~8% Aggro increased for lancers for the following skills:
Lancer -- Challenging Shout
  • MP regen, attack speed increase, and others for healers following skills:
Priest -- 100 MP Regen every 2 seconds on Regen Circle
50 MP Regen on restorative burst
Energy stars increases damage on target by 10% for next skill
-HP increase with mana charge
Mystics - Auras use less mana, Titanic favor creates a 4K health shield, increased HP Regen on warding totem

Of these factions Consul's take control over the faction and these are not elected by votes instead they are elected by participating in the area's event's and dailies. This makes it so as a guild you would want to make sure your playing in one of the more active guilds on the server not the guild with three people on everyday more like 20+ daily. Battles verse the opposing factions will give contribution points during the territory battles which will take place. The competition to be elected consul is two weeks; two weeks in which you collect points. In the second week, your guild master can register to run for consul if he feels fit. Consul's power lasts 2 weeks. Guild-masters select an alliance to join. Each alliance has their own meeting house outside their respective city. You can only PVP against the enemy faction inside the alliance PVP maps.

These battles work like so:

  • Stealing resource's or stopping invaders from stealing your alliances resources
  • Invading enemies posts or defending your own posts. Posts left undefended can cripple the controls of the Consul.

Crystal Capping:
One of the methods of gaining points for Political power you also get a quest to cap them.
You can only cap them on maps of the opponent factions.

Maps are filled with BAM's and mini bosses which you will need to complete your quests to help you gain the gear.

The Consul elected controls not only taxes for one small area of the map but all of the area's of the faction of that continent making it a very powerful position to hold within the server. The consul of a faction has the authority to provide buffs to other alliance members. The consul is able to elect commanders to take control over each of the cities each of these cities.

Powers of the consul:
  • Collect Taxs
  • Allocate stores
  • Provide power to others
  • Adjust success rate of enchantments
  • Next Patch: Steal tax from opponent alliances.
Point system for gaining Consul:
  • Kill crystal in enemy base: 51 points
  • Kill BAMs for alliance -- 42 points
  • Alliance monster hunt quest- 20 points
  • PK enemy -- 2 points
  • PK assist -- 1 points
  • Leveling gives points
  • Other ways, see patch notes.
Guilds that are inactive will not be able to apply and win consul for an area because of the point system above is how a guild goes about applying and winning consul. So the object is to be in the largest active guild. One of my friends on ktera originally was not in an active guild at the time so she was unable to participate in much of the content for the alliance patch. So it would be wise to find a better home with an active number of players that enjoy PvP daily.

The guild leader can pick which faction to be apart of by going to one of the main cities and registering with the faction officers located in the headquarters section. The cost for joining an alliance is 1,000 gold and you can switch alliances but that has a 6 hour cool-down and you'll have to pay the fee every time you switch the points accumulated also gets reset when you switch.

Once you join one of the alliances then you are able to fight the other two alliances. Battling these alliances can only be done in one of two instanced area's there are portals within the headquaters which allow you to warp to these new locations. Each of the 3 new area's it allows you to warp to are for each of the factions above. If you warp into an enemy's area you will spawn at a base camp and if you warp to your own factions area you will port inside of the fortress. Each area has one fortress and two base camps the two base camps are for the enemy factions.

The npc's inside of the fortress need to be protected by the faction they are controlled by. Some quests will require the enemy factions to kill these same NPC's and will make it impossible for the defending parties to pick up and turn in quests crippling the area. Capturing Fortresses will require more then just your own guild unless you are doing it during the night when most people are offline.

The fortress can be defended by guards and and cannons and fences after a town has been captured there is a two hour delay before crystals can be captured again. The largest amount of quests will be obtained from the fortresses while the base camp's will not have as many quests. The group quests reward more then the solo quests.

You can steal nocternium extractors you can capture these from the other alliances to earn points. At most there is only 300 nocternium extractors by default each alliance has 100 of them but you can steal them from the other alliances for your own to earn more points they are also the biggest sources of PvP in Ktera. There are also rare loot finds off of monsters which can also be used for earning points.

PvP has diminishing returns and cool-downs to prevent friendly guilds from opposite factions from farming each other. Any points that you earn will go to your guild leader in order for him to collect enough points for consul. The consul cycle lasts four weeks the first two weeks are the farming enough consul points in order for a guild to become consul of the respective faction. Then the consul has control over the faction for two weeks. At the end of week one the guild master can apply to be consul by paying gold in the alliance headquarters. If you have the most consul points but did not apply for the position you will not get consul so you have to apply in order to get consul. After you apply another farming week continues and after that week the guild that collected the most points becomes the consul. After the two weeks the points get reset and the system starts all over again.

One commander is given the power to summon teleportals and allows them to summon teleports to attempt sneaky tactics against the enemy factions. The defense commander has the power to summon guards, cannons, and walls. The supply commander can summon a merchant NPC for that alliance. The alliance commander get access to a specialty vendor, special skills, and a mask that gives special bonus stats. Consul gets a special mask with bonus stats too. These commanders can receive special funds from the consul.

There is a role in the alliance called elite alliance members each alliance has a cap of 80 elite members. The elite members spot is dedicated to the players who have earned the most points for their alliance. These elite alliance members get access to a lesser specialty store that sells war flags which when used buff nearby alliance players with defense, movement speed, and damage depending on the flag used. They can only be used inside the new area's.

Average players will want to participate in order to collect powder and crystals items you can use them to form upgrades for specific skills. These skill upgrades are located above and how they are effected. The strength of the upgrade will require you to hope for good RNG rolls for these skills.

Monster summoning sticks can be obtained by combining some items which drop from some of the local BAM's and monsters that you find in the area. They are low quality and high quality sticks and they are used to summon monsters that drop loot which will help you craft new gear. These monsters are designed for 20 man teams so you will need to grab your friends to help you when defeating them. This new gear helps people without conjunct gear have a way to catch up to the current system. This system works similar to that of dead branches and bloody branches that where used to summon monsters in Ragnarok Online.

New training grounds can be entered by the headquarters of each alliance. The training grounds is a dungeon and your entry is limited per day by your rank and points in that alliance and what the consul has set it too at that time. Inside the training ground you can fight monsters in a solo or group environment to earn more stuff to make the new gear, obtain the powder items, and obtain new rings and accessories like necklaces.

The new alliance resources your consul can allocate to you are used to purchase potions for invisiblity potions, timed bombs, land mines, slowing and stunning bombs and also flash grenades to allow players to develop interesting stratagies in the PvP. The consul can control who can obtain these and some can be bought based on your rank.

Many things have been changing frequently for the alliance patch but this should at least give some idea's of what to expect for the new upcoming alliance patch. I apologize for it being such a long post but there's a lot of very interesting information that needed to be covered for this since we are expecting this patch to be coming soon to a NA server near you.

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