Tera Nexus Times

The current nexus times are:

Saturday, Sunday—2 a.m., noon, 7 p.m. pst
Monday, Friday—noon, 7 p.m. pst
Tuesday, Thursday—6 p.m. pst

Monday, April 7, 2014

Elin Heavy Armor Templates

24-Karat Hauberk Template

Sterling Hauberk Template

Firmating Suit Tier 14 not eligible as a template

Piquemail Tier 14 (drops from mcnm)
Court Plate Tier 14 (drops from mcnm)
Alloyed Chestplate Tier 14 not eligible as a template

Scriven Mail Tier 14 not eligible as a template
Ascendant Armorplate Tier 13 not eligible as a template
Strifeguard Tier 13 not eligible as a template
Santia's Hauberk Template (Federation Bills vendor)

Tomb Plate Tier 14 not eligible as a template
Buffbreak Mail Tier 14 not eligible as a template
Ethertwist Hauberk Tier 14 not eligible as a template
Infernal Warplate Tier 14 not eligible as a template
Pressure Plate Tier 13 not eligible as a template
Quandary Bazaar Heavy Armor Plate (Federation Bills vendor)

Earthtomb Plate Tier 13 not eligible as a template
Chaos Bloodplate Tier 11
Monstrous Mail Tier 10

Lordly Mail Tier 12
Bloodsoaked Chainmail  Tier 12
Darkheart Breastplate Tier 11
Chestpeice of the Pure Tier 11
Fringed Azure Plate Tier 11

Attuned Hematescent Kryplate Tier 11 (crafted)
Solar Chestplate Tier 10
Determinus Plate Tier 10
Patternweld Bluefin Plate Tier 11
Tier 10 Template
[Luxurious Fashion] Heavy Snowfall Hauberk (contains full armor template costume) 

Knightswear Tier 12
Hauberk of Anguish Tier 11
Deathshell Tier 10
Hauberk of Slaughter Tier 11

Breastplate of Fortitude Tier 12 not eligible as a template
Plate of Virtue Tier 12 not eligible as a template
Preserving Plate Tier 11
Unbending Plate Tier 10
Labyrinthine Breastplate Tier 10
Froststeel Hauberk Tier 10
Gulaslayer Breastplate Tier 10
Celebration Plate Tier 8
Brutal Breastplate Tier 4

Spectermail Tier 8
Karassian War Plate Tier 8
Honor Hauberk Template
[Luxurious Fashion] Hauberk of Mystel  (contains full armor template costume)

Hauberk of Intersection Tier 10
Pertinacious Plate Tier 8
Lumbent Plate of the Champion Tier 7

Chestplate of Shade Tier 7
Hookfist Hauberk Tier 7
Hauberk of the Deceiver Tier 7
Vaitor's Solance Tier 7
Melsanir Breastplate Tier 6
Tier 6 Hauberk Template
Bitter Mail Tier 5

Tier 8 Hauberk Template

Unique Hauberk Template

Choice Platemail Tier 9
Glareslip Breastplate Tier 6
Oknon Hauberk Template

Well-Admired Platemail Tier 7
Sepokt Hauberk Template
[Luxurious Fashion] Well-Admired Platemail  (contains full armor template costume)

Jeweled Chest Tier 7
Tier 7 Hauberk Template

Tier 5 Hauberk Template

Second-in-Commands Breastplate Tier 1
Tier 2 Hauberk Template
Dented Madman's  Hauberk Tier 4
Tier 3 Hauberk Template

Boarlords Hauberk
Questions Hauberk Template
[Luxurious Fashion] Outriders Chestpeice (contains full armor template costume)

Icewalkers Hauberk Tier 10
Cryptic Hauberk Tier 10
Delphians Hauberk Tier 10
Hauberk of Defiance Tier 8
Steeled Determination Tier 9
Hauberk of the First Expedition Tier 1
Black Label Hauberk Template

Bark of Vekas Tier 0
[Luxurious Fashion] Federation Supply Hauberk (contains full armor template costume)

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